澳洲大头 发表于 2010-6-11 19:56:09

Favicon not working under IE8

After further testing it seems that of all the favicon converters recommended in the Joomla Help Docs, http://converticon.com/ and http://www.favicongenerator.com/ created favicons that were not recognizable by windows (and therefore IE). http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/ and http://www.favicon.cc/ do! I Could see the icon in a Windows directory AND the IE favicon works fine now! I don't know if http://www.htmlkit.com/services/favicon/ works or not because their service was down when I tried.

Also, http://antifavicon.com/ works for IE also. You can create a favicon from scratch here if you don't have an image file to upload/convert, but the parameters are limited.
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