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[摄影技巧] 巧玩光影

发表于 2011-5-27 06:45:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Photos that Go Bump in the Night
Shadow-06-creative-commons-small.jpg Dark shadows can be downright creepy. So get in touch with your dark side and take some frightening shadow shots.
Stage a menacing shadow creeping after your friend and give your local photo lab technician nightmares for a week!
Pro tip: the closer you are to the light source the bigger your shadow will be.

Shadow Monsters!
Shadow-07-small-square.jpg Another fun and easy way to make scary shadow photos is with little ol’ harmless toys.
Just put them real close to a bright lamp and get ready to defend yourself from their giant shadows!
Our toy dinos (if you’ve ever ordered from our shop you’ve got one) would work great for this!

Shadows in Technicolor!
Shadow-04-small-v.jpg Translucent colored objects make colored shadows… science is so cool!
Be on the lookout for colored glass, balloons, and–if you’re lucky–translucent umbrellas.
And if that isn’t cool enough, you can even put food coloring in water, throw it in the air and get colored splash shadows!

Interact with Your Shadow
Shadow-01-small.jpg With the right set up your shadow can do it’s own thing rather than just copy you.
It’s really quite simple:
  • Have one friend (the Shadow) stand in front of a light source and outside of the frame
  • Have another friend stand in the frame and line up with Friend #1’s shadow.

With a little bit of arranging you can make it look like Friend #1’s shadow belongs to Friend #2.
Ponder while your shadow acts out your dreams. Sing while your shadow plays shadow air guitar. Or you could always threaten your shadow with a finger gun like Bader Kamal did (but I doubt he got much money out of ‘em!)

Give Your Shadow Some Props
Shadow-02-small.jpg Your shadow is tired of watching you have all the fun.  Put a prop in the right spot and let your shadow have a go at interactng with the real world.
Pass that soccer ball to your shadow and see what happens.
Shadows also love to throw Frisbees, open doors, and climb ladders. Angie_c even caught hers trying to leave its hand prints on the wall!
(Frogmanor has a whole set of photos over at flickr proving that shadows are also good at climbing stairs!)

Hand Puppets!
Shadow-03-creative-commons-small.jpg It seems like only yesterday when a flashlight at a slumber party meant there would soon be bunnies dancing on the wall. Or maybe it actually was yesterday…
Check out this hand puppet guide, grab your camera, and maybe with a whole lot of practice you can make a dino as cool as Anandham’s.

Shoot Silhouettes
shadow-small.jpg Letting long shadows stretch past the frame of your image can make your photos look oh so deep and profound.
Back-light your subject so the shadow comes towards your camera.  It will help the image pop and can tell a powerful story.

Turn That Shadow Up-side Down
Shadow-10-small.jpg Take a photo of a crowd in the early afternoon sun. Then flip it upside-down so the shadows have real people for … well, shadows!
You can do this to your pooch too!

Shoot Subjects in Half-Shadow, Half-Light
Shadow-09-small-V.jpg Hiding part of your subject in shadows adds mystery and drama to your photo.
Try hiding different amounts of your subject’s face for a variety of effects. You’ll learn a lot about portrait lighting this way too.
This split-light portrait by Jorege Moreno, Jr. is a stunning example of shadow intrigue. Drama! Drama! Drama!

Give Everyday Scenes Some 3D Wow Factor
Shadow-08-small.jpg Rich and rhythmic shadows can make photographs of common places look AMAZING!
The shadow from this fence makes a flat image seem 3D.
Shadows that produce patterns can give interest to bland ground and make all your photog buddies jealous of your skillz.

Perspective Play: Long Shadows from Above color-de-la-vida-LeTourDeFrance-small.jpg
Get up above the crowds (tall buildings help) in the late afternoon. Once the sun is low enough that the shadows get nice and long you can capture some gorgeous shots from this perspective.
The subject has to depend on the shape of its shadow to explain what it is it, the effect can be quite striking!

The Anonymous Crowd Shadow-13-small.jpg A crowd is a crowd. After awhile, crowd photos all start to look the same.
Shift your perspective and try to capture the crowd’s silhouettes instead. It’s a refreshing change when your candid street shots get in a rut.

Shadow Boxing Shadow-14-small.jpg Since shadows don’t feel pain, they love to fight.
Let them duke it out; you’ll release all those angry feelings and there won’t be any black eyes in the morning.

A Little Shadow Lovin’
Shadow-15-small.jpg What’s more romantic than a photo of your shadows cuddling?
Pretty much nothing.

Shadow Prints without a Camera!
sunprintsmall.jpg Have you tried out Sunprint paper yet? It’s light sensitive paper that can make a photo out of any shadow!
Cast a (very steady) shadow on a sheet then dunk it in H2O – easy peasy!

Even More Ideas!
Cast shadows onto moving objects
We were blown away when we found photographer Hughes Léglise-Bataille’s X-ing project. He waits for the sun to get low, sets his camera on a slow shutter speed and captures pedestrian’s shadows being cast onto cars speeding past. Be still our heart!

Let your shadow show off your hidden personality This awesome image required some editing, but you can do something similar with a group of friends (two as people and two as shadows), some patience, and a bit of coordination.

The incredible art of Kumi Yamashita Kumi knows shadows and Kumi knows how to manipulate them to his every whim. Love!

Shadow science for photographers This handy dandy explanation of shadows will help you be in control. Shadows in your photos when you want them and only when you want them.

Be larger than life Don’t forget to use your shadow to feel like a giant! Just don’t squash any villages while you’re stompin’ around!

Shadow dress up! Lay some clothes out on the ground (or maybe your camera bag) and line your shadow up so it looks like he’s wearing your digs. Such a dapper shadow!

Shoot your shadow while you’re driving When you are speeding down the road, your shadow is too!

Distort shadows on uneven surfaces Use corners, walls and folded paper to bend shadows to your heart’s content.

Look out for shadow patterns Shadow patterns are oh so yummy! Once you start looking for them you’ll see them everywhere!

Dance with your shadow When your shadow is around, you never have to dance alone!

1…2…3… Jump Your shadow likes to be in jumping photos just as much as you do.

Project shadows on a bed sheet The sun doesn’t need to be out for your shadows to play! Set up your shot like this: Light –> Friend –> Bed Sheet –> Camera. Then your shadows (and shadow puppets!) can be in your photos rain or shine.

Shadow shapes and negative space Focus on the big picture by looking for the shapes that shadows can make. It can be a very calming way of looking at the world. Hey look – a heart!

What made this shadow? Take photos of shadows and see if folks can guess what object cast which shadow.

Way better than stretching your arm out really really far Group shadow shots always make us smile. They must be magical.

Sun spots – the anti-shadow When you are in a shady room, a bright window will make a shadow of light. You will usually find Fido lounging in it.

发表于 2011-5-27 11:00:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-5-27 11:29:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-5-27 21:13:24 | 显示全部楼层
大家拿 发表于 2011-5-27 11:00


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发表于 2011-5-28 09:13:16 | 显示全部楼层

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